We welcome any enquiries for The Academy School.
The Academy School
3 Pilgrim's Place
Rosslyn Hill
London NW3 1NG
How to find us
Access to the school is from Rosslyn Hill. The main gates of the school are closed during school hours and you enter the school via the passageway to the left of the main gates (as you face the school). The school entrance is at the end of the passageway. On street parking is available in Rosslyn Hill and Downshire Hill.
You can find us on Google maps here.

Legal Notice
The school is owned and operated by Academy School (Hampstead) LLP.
Limited Liability Partnership No. CC350154
W.G.B. Evans BA (Lond) Headteacher
C. Sandars LRAM, FTCL Principal
B. Evans RGN
A.N. Sandars MA (Cantab)
Registered address as above